Accessory Codes
Here is a long list of codes so if you have problems in finding the variable you need press CTRL + F to search for them.
Hanya di yg punya
No copas !!
- back_cherubwings_grey - Avenger Wings
- back_cherubwings_pink - Cherub Wings
- back_cherubwings_white - Cherub Wings
- bottom_blue - Pants
- bottom_brown - Pants
- bottom_green - Pants
- bottom_heartboxers_pink - Heart Boxers
- bottom_heartboxers_white - Heart Boxers
- bottom_overalls - Overalls
- bottom_purple - Pants
- bottom_red - Pants
- bottom_skirt1 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt2 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt3 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt4 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt5 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt6 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt7 - Skirt
- bottom_skull_black - Pants
- bottom_skull_grey - Pants
- bottom_star_blue - Pants
- bottom_star_red - Pants
- foot_sandal1 - Sandals
- foot_sandal2 - Sandals
- foot_sandal3 - Sandals
- foot_shoe1 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe2 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe3 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe4 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe5 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe6 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe7 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe8 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe9 - Sneakers
- hand_blades - Blades
- head_bandana1 - Bandana
- head_cigar - Cigar
- head_construction - Construction Hat
- head_cowboy - Cowboy Hat
- head_german_helmet - WWII Helmet
- head_hachimaki - Hachimaki
- head_hat1 - Hat
- head_jet_helmet - Pilot Helmet
- head_mustache - Mustache
- head_rdeerAntler2009 - Deer Antler
- head_rdeerRudolph2009 -
- head_santaBeard2009 - Santa Beard
- head_santaHat2009 - Santa Hat
- head_sombrero - Sombrero
- head_swat - SWAT Helmet
- top_body_armor - Body Armor
- top_dress1 - Dress
- top_dress2 - Dress
- top_dress3 - Dress
- top_fatigues - Tactical Vest
- top_gi_blue - Gi
- top_heart_beige - Heart Shirt
- top_heart_blood - Broken Heart Shirt
- top_heart_red - Heart Shirt
- top_leather_jacket - Leather Jacket
- top_playdom_black - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_blue - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_purple - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_red - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_white - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_yellow - Playdom Shirt
- top_poncho - Poncho
- top_sherrif - Sheriff Vest
- top_skull1_black - Shirt
- top_skull1_olive - Shirt
- top_skull1_red - Shirt
- top_skull2_blue - Shirt
- top_skull2_pink - Shirt
- top_skull2_white - Shirt
- top_skull_black - Shirt
- top_skull_white - Shirt
- top_spike_collar - Spike Collar
- top_star_blue - Shirt
- top_star_pink - Shirt
- top_striped_black - Striped Shirt
- top_striped_blue - Striped Shirt
- top_striped_orange - Striped Shirt
- top_striped_red - Striped Shirt
- top_tactical_vest_olive - Tectical Vest
- top_tank_olive - Tank Top
Accessories.swf Codes
- back_cherubwings - Angelic Wings
- bottom_jersey24 - Shorts
- bottom_nerd - Nerd Pants
- flag_samurai - Samurai Flag
- foot_clown - Clown Shoes
- hand_foam_blue - Foam Hand
- head_helmet_cb0x - Biker Helmet
- head_helmet_an4o - Biker Helmet
- head_chief - Chief Headdress
- head_chieftain - Chieftain Hat
- head_clown - Clown Hair
- head_glasses1 - Nerd Glasses
- head_glasses2 - Glasses
- head_glasses3 - Nerd Glasses
- head_glasses4 - Rockstar Shades
- head_glasses5 - Rockstar Shades
- head_glasses6 - Groucho Glasses
- head_glasses7 - Aviator Shades
- head_goatee - Goatee
- head_greyhair - Uncle Sam Hair
- head_hat2 - Mounty/Explorer hat (Similar to Mounty hat but without the belt, is flatter and has different color)
- head_headband1 - Headband
- head_lampshade - Head Lampshade
- head_mask1 - Tiki Mask
- head_mohawk_red - Red Mohawk
- head_mohawk_yellow - Yellow Mohawk
- head_nacho - Head Nacho
- head_ninjaA_midnight - Shuriken Headband
- head_ninjaA_white - Shuriken Headband
- head_pharaoh - Pharaoh Headdress
- head_pirate - Pirate hat
- head_sam - Uncle Sam Hat
- head_samurai - Samurai Helmet
- head_whistle - Whistle
- head_wizard - Wizard Hat
- toga_headpiece_lbem - Laurel Wreath
- top_ankh - Rosary/Cross Necklace
- top_axe - Axe
- top_beads1 - Beads
- top_beads2 - Beads
- top_biker1 - Biker Coat
- top_biker2 - Biker Coat
- top_bowtie_red - Red Bowtie
- top_brazil_jersey - Brazil jersey
- top_charm - Tiki Necklace
- top_chieftain - Chieftain Top
- top_clock - Clock
- top_england_jersey - England Jersey
- top_fangs - Fangs
- top_flower - Flower
- top_fur - Fur Coat
- top_graduate_black - Graduate Shirt
- top_guitar - Guitar
- top_harness - Harness
- top_jersey24 - Bright Top
- top_loud - Tiki Shirt
- top_nerd - Nerd Shirt
- top_ninjaA_midnight - Ninjutsu Mesh
- top_ninjaA_white - Ninjutsu Mesh
- top_pharaoh - Pharaoh Top
- top_playdom_brown - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_green - Playdom Shirt
- top_portugal_jersey - Portugal Jersey
- top_sam - Uncle Sam Coat
- top_samurai - Samurai Armor
- top_sash - Red Sash
- top_skull3 - Skull Shirt
- top_spain_jersey - Spain Jersey
- top_sport1 - #1 Shirt
- top_suspenders - Suspenders
- top_tactical_vest_blue - Tactical Vest
- top_trench1 - Detective Shirt
- top_trench2 - Detective Shirt
- top_usa_jersey - USA Jersey
- top_wizard - Wizard Cloak
Accessories1.swf Codes
- Afro - Afro
- AstroGloves - Astronaut Gloves
- AstroHat - Astronaut Helmet
- AstroShirt - Astronaut Shirt
- BoxingPants - Boxing Pants
- BrownVest - Brown Vest
- CastroBelt - Revolutionary Belt
- CastroHat - Revolutionary Hat
- CastroShirt - Revolutionary Shirt
- CastroShoes - Revolutionary Shoes
- ChefHat - Baker's Hat
- DevilHorns - Devil Horns
- DevilShirt - Devil's Shirt
- DragonClaws - Dragon Claws
- DragonShirt - Dragon Shirt
- FootballHelmet - Football Helmet
- FurHat - Fur Hat
- Geisha1 - Geisha Hair
- Geisha2 - Geisha Hair
- Geisha3 - Geisha Hair
- GeishaRobe - Kimono
- GoatHorn - Horns
- GreenFeet - Green Feet
- HeadPhones - Headphones
- IBelt - IBelt
- KnightBelt - Knight Belt
- KnightFoot - Knight Shoes
- KnightHat - Knight Helm
- KnightShirt - Knight Armor
- LionHair - Lion Hair
- MilitaryGoggles - Military Goggles
- MilitaryHat - Military Hat
- Militaryshirt - Military Shirt
- NewGeta - Wooden Shoes
- Skates - Skates
- SnowGloves - Snow Gloves
- SnowHat - Snow Hat
- SnowShirt - Snow Shirt
- SnowShoes - Snow Shoes
- SpaniardBelt - Spaniard Belt
- SpaniardHat - Spaniard Helm
- SpaniardShirt - Spaniard Shirt
- SportPants - Sports Pants
- SportShirt - Sports Shirt
- SpyGloves - Spy Gloves
- SpyHat - Spy Hat
- SpyShirt - Spy Shirt
- StudShirt - Studded Shirt
- Tattoo - Face Tattoo
- UniHorn - Unihorn
- hand_boxingglove - Boxing Gloves
- head_luchador - Luchador
Accesories2.swf Codes
- BoxingBelt_h6f0
- back_cherubwings_grey
- back_cherubwings_purple_0tkf
- back_featheredwings_b8r0
- back_sachel
- back_skeleton_wings_btj5
- bottom_aviator_pants_asji
- bottom_bakerspants_tki4
- bottom_baseball_pants_e5a9
- bottom_disco_pants_l75d
- bottom_doctors_pants_fd3d
- bottom_egyptian_skirt_o1cb
- bottom_elf_pants_yv7p
- bottom_firefighterpants_540w
- bottom_gangsterpants_f9ea
- bottom_golfpants_ea59
- bottom_grass_skirt_729b
- bottom_hockey_bottom_6q5l
- bottom_kilt_113b
- bottom_leprechaunpants_aci3
- bottom_mardigras_tki4
- bottom_overalls1
- bottom_pilgrim_h1pp
- bottom_prisoner_6c4w
- bottom_red_pants_f830
- bottom_sailorpants_mhxj
- bottom_santa_v1hq
- bottom_soccerpants_8vjj
- bottom_tennisshorts_60n5
- bottom_track_pants_rkgp
- bottom_viking_xqwe
- bottom_warrior_bottom_qdma
- bottom_wrestling_pst0
- flag_australian_m91c
- flag_bangladesh_cpo8
- flag_checkered_qbg9
- flag_ireland_kry2
- flag_mexico
- flag_turkey_g8lv
- flag_us
- foot_archer_shoes_nxgg
- foot_bagpiper_shoes_f289
- foot_cleats_e140
- foot_clog_shoes_ajxv
- foot_elf_shoes_b0a4
- foot_flippers_ppk3
- foot_gangster_shoes_0f4b
- foot_golf_shoes_r790
- foot_hockey_skates_c8ss
- foot_leprechaunshoes_5f23
- foot_mardigras_b0a4
- foot_militaryboots
- foot_moccasins_tq1s
- foot_pilgrim_shoes_fk5h
- foot_pirate_boots_umvm
- foot_rabbit_slippers_08c7
- foot_racingshoes_ocw9
- foot_rollerblades_a1j0x
- foot_running_shoes_v6z0
- foot_springshoes_1a0xj
- foot_viking_shoes_bcx0
- foot_warrior_sandals_vf92
- foot_wrestling_sneakers_0fum
- hand_baseballglove_pljq
- hand_blades
- hand_warrior_shield_u9ge
- head_anubis_head_bp3g
- head_archer_hat_naak
- head_aviator_hat_fepb
- head_bagpiper_hat_d905
- head_baseballcap_i0sk
- head_beret_3785
- head_boxing_helmet_qhzo
- head_chef_hat
- head_cowboy_hat
- head_crown
- head_detective_hat_44fb
- head_doctors_hat_616d
- head_elf_hat_fppy
- head_explorer_hat
- head_farmer_hat_fiq6
- head_firefighterhat_o9tq
- head_french_mustache_zmaa
- head_gangster_hat_4a67
- head_glasses8
- head_golf_hat_c0cx
- head_graduate_cap
- head_greenhornet_mask
- head_headband_ew72
- head_helmet_cb0x
- head_hockey_helmet_4oid
- head_kato_mask
- head_kingcrown
- head_kufi_nut2
- head_libertycrown
- head_lumberjack_hat
- head_mardigras_by1f
- head_monocle
- head_mountain_hat_rva3
- head_musketeer_hat_8vik
- head_newyear_hat_by1f
- head_party_glass_ravo
- head_pattys
- head_pilgrim_hat1
- head_pilgrim_hat2
- head_pilgrim_hat_tzwc
- head_pilot_hat
- head_prisoner_rrub
- head_rabbit_ears
- head_racinghelmet_4i1d
- head_referee_black
- head_sailorhat_hb9a
- head_santa_hat
- head_snorkeling_mask_tc8o
- head_straw
- head_suit_tophat
- head_viking_hat_o6c0
- head_warrior_helmet_6vup
- head_wrestling_helmet_tuf8
- mini_baldeagle
- mini_bee
- mini_bug
- mini_devil
- mini_dodo
- mini_elephant
- mini_falcon
- mini_lynx
- mini_octo
- mini_owl
- mini_parrot
- mini_parrot_1
- mini_phoenix
- mini_pig
- mini_polarbear
- mini_polarbear_1
- mini_puffin
- mini_ram
- mini_reaper
- mini_reindeer
- mini_robot
- mini_shark
- mini_sheep
- mini_snake
- mini_toucan
- mini_turkey
- mini_turtle
- mini_walrus
- mini_walrus_1
- mini_witch
- mini_zombie_canary
- mini_zonkey
- monster_wig_ujo2
- musketeer_mask_q2yl
- pirate_eyepatch_dhm3
- toga_sandals_oq6i
- top_archer_shirt_notx
- top_aviator_jacket_rgoq
- top_backpack_m504
- top_bagpiper_5abf
- top_bakersjacket_od6o
- top_baseball_jersey_47fb
- top_black_cat
- top_chef_uniform
- top_construction_vest_7ntu
- top_detective_cape_006e
- top_detective_jacket_a13c
- top_disco_shirt_9en0
- top_doctors_coat_8ad7
- top_earthcostume
- top_egyptian_necklace_zt6r
- top_elf_yzcq
- top_explorer
- top_firefighterjacket_rea2
- top_french_shirt_2983
- top_gangster_suit_98a7
- top_goldneck_tie_lztj
- top_golftop_4f7b
- top_hawaiian_shirt_71f8
- top_hockey_jersey_23ld
- top_hoodedsweatshirt_7g97
- top_jetpack (DO NOT USE)
- top_kaftan_shirt_nlg2
- top_lederhosen_overalls_h14w
- top_lei_157b
- top_leprechaunjacket_0vyn
- top_life_jacket_bab0
- top_lumberjack
- top_magician_cape_c337
- top_magician_coat_78d3
- top_mardigras_78d3
- top_musketeer_shirt_gosv
- top_native_americal_shirt_0ifh
- top_parachute_pack_1aw4
- top_pilgrim_shirt_73q7
- top_pilot_uniform
- top_pirate_vest_j7z6
- top_police_uniform
- top_prisoner_j7vh
- top_rabbit_suit_622f
- top_racingsuit_h1w4
- top_referee_uniform
- top_robe_6h0g
- top_sailorshirt_6inc
- top_santa_vbwb
- top_silk_jacket_1825
- top_soccerjersey_gd00
- top_stethoscope_a8c1
- top_suit_black
- top_tennisjacket_noaa
- top_toga_u0k3
- top_track_jacket_qf7h
- top_warrior_cape_y939
- top_warrior_top_dtk8
- top_wet_suit_23f6
- top_wrestling_3n2u
- viking_shirt_40wt
- witch_boots_oxnc
- witch_hat_he45
- z_c
- zombie_pants_gck2
- zombie_shirt_owm8
- zombie_wig
Pets Codes
- armadillo - Armadillo
- bat - Bat
- bird - Bird
- cat - Cat
- chameleon - Chameleon
- crocodile - Crocodile
- dino - Dino
- dog - Dog
- dragon - Dragon
- duck - Duck
- fox - Fox
- hammie - Hamster
- hedgehog - Hedgehog
- hippo - Hippo
- kangaroo - Kangaroo
- koala - Koala
- lion - Lion
- monkey - Monkey
- panda - Panda
- penguin - Penguin
- platypus - Platypus
- porcupine - Porcupine
- rabbit - Rabbit
- raccoon - Raccoon
- rhino - Rhino
- sheep - Bighorn Sheep
- squirrel - Squirrel
- super_skunk - Super Skunk
- tiger - Tiger
- werewolf - Werewolf
- yeti - Yeti
Snack Codes
- acorn_2imm_icon - Acorn
- apple_icon - Apple
- avocado_fcum_icon - Avocado
- brain_nhz7_icon - Brain
- cactus_kgtx_icon - Cactus
- carrot_icon - Carrot
- cherries_icon - Cherries
- chipssalsa_icon - Chips and Salsa
- chocolate_yyuq_icon - Chocholate
- coconut_icon - Coconut
- cornedbeef_gqco_icon - Corned Beef
- cranberry_24qm_icon - Cranberry Sauce
- croissant_icon - Croissant
- cupcake_0ogk_icon - Cupcake
- dumpling_2k9c_icon - Dumpling
- fruitcake_pmh3_icon - Fruitcake
- kingcake_6f6e_icon - King Cake
- kiwi_hiu4_icon - Kiwi
- mango_icon - Mango
- marshmallow_7f81_icon - Marshmallow
- pineapple_icon - Pineapple
- pomegranate_352b_icon - Pomegranate
- pretzel_bb5e_icon - Pretzel
- radsalad_icon - Super Salad
- sportsdrink_icon - Sports Drink
- strawberry_icon - Strawberry
- watermelon_icon - Watermelon
Weapon Codes
- airstrike - Missile Shower
- antigravmissile - Anti-Grav Missile
- anvil - Anvil
- alligatorcage - Caged Alligator (new)
- candy_corn_mirv - Candy MIRV (new)
- beartrap - Bear Trap
- babybeehive - Baby Beehive
- babyflame - Baby Napalm
- babynuke - Baby Nuke
- bakersdozen - Baker's Dozen
- birdiestrike - Birdie Shower (new)
- blizzard - Blizzard
- candy_grenade - Candy Grenades (new)
- clustergrenade - Cluster Grenade
- cranberry - Cranberry Missile (new)
- potato1 - Potato 1 Missile (new)
- potato2 - Potato 2 Missile (new)
- cluster_drill - Drill Cluster (new)
- cow - Cow
- drillFO1 - Purple Drill Missile
- drillcluster - Drill Cluster
- drillstrike - Grave Digger
- earthquake - Earthquake
- fireworks - Fireworks
- flame - Napalm
- flamechild - Flame
- gas - Gas Gun (new)
- gameovernuke - Game Over Nuke
- gammastar - Gamma Star
- gammaray - Gamma Ray
- gammabeam - Gamma Beam
- giant - Hamster's Giant Form
- goo - Goo Blobgun
- goochild - Goo
- goolake - Mega Blobgun
- mosquitoswarm - Mosquito Swarm (new)
- goopuddle - Baby Blobgun
- gooshotKI1 - Killer Goo
- goostrike - Goo Airstrike
- grenadeEL1 - Rubber Grenade
- grenadeHU1 - Orange Grenade
- grenadeshower - Mega Cluster Grenade
- impulsemissile - Unknown
- jet - Jet
- jumbomissile - Jumbo Missile
- kissgoodby - Kiss GoodBye
- lightningstorm - Thunderstorm
- lantern - Lantern
- lasercannon - Laser
- mossgun - Moss Gun (new)
- marshmallow - S'more Shot
- megamirv - Mega MIRV
- megamirvchild - 1 Missile from Mega MIRV
- meganinjastar - Mega Ninja Stars
- meganuke - Mega Nuke
- mines - Mine Cluster
- minestrike - Mine Shower
- minigun - Minigun
- mirvHU1 - Orange MIRV
- mirvSC1 - Scatter MIRV
- mirv - MIRV
- mirvchild - 1 Missile from MIRV
- mirvchildHU1 - 1 Missile from Orange MIRV
- mirvchildSC1 - 1 Missile from Scatter MIRV
- mortarFO1 - Purple Missile
- mortarKI1 - Killer Missile
- mortar - Missile
- multishot - Missile Stream
- multishotchild - 1 Missile from Missile Stream
- napalm - Napalm
- ninjastar - Ninja Stars
- nuke - Nuke
- queenbee - Queen Beehive
- queenbeechild - Queen Bee
- quintuplets - Quintuplets
- rubbergrenades - Rubber Grenade Trio
- razor_apple - Razor Apples (new)
- rubbergrenadestrike - Rubber Grenade Shower
- rubbermirv - Rubber Grenade MIRV
- rubbermirvchild - 1 Missile from Rubber Grenade Shower
- scratch - Cat Scratch
- spiderstrike - Spider Bomb Shower (new)
- shotgun - Shotgun
- shuriken - Shuriken
- starfiled - Starfield
- tornado - Tornado
- tornadocluster - Tornado Cluster
- tornadogrenade - Tornado Grenade
- trick_bag - Trick or Treat Bag (new)
- unknown - Unknown
- zoobomb - Impulse or Zoo Bomb
- zoo - Impulse or Zoo Bomb (new)
- batfly - Bat Fly
- batton - Baton
- beechild - Bee
- bone - Dog Bone
- boomerang - Boomerang
- chainsaw - Chainsaw
- climb - Monkey Climb
- crate - Weapon Crate
- dart - Dart
- dig - Armadillo Dig
- drill - Drill Gun
- dualpistol - Pistols
- dynamite - Dynamite
- flamethrower - Beehive (it might be flamethrower but it shows beehive)
- goo - Goo Blobgun
- gooshot - Goo Ammo
- grappling - Grappling Hook
- gravbubble - AntiGrav Bubble
- grenade - Grenade
- harpoon - Harpoon
- healthEquipA - Health Kit A
- health - Health Crate
- heartdynamite - Love Note
- lasercannon - Laser Cannon
- lightning - Shock Rifle
- mallet - Mallet
- mine - Mine
- punch - Panda Punch
- acidcloud - Poison Cloud (new)
- spider - Spider Bomb
- shield - Energy Shield
- queenbeechild - Queen Bee
- superjump - Bunny Hop
- teleport - Teleport
- trout - Trout
- ==walk - Walk==